Malmö Gallery Weekend started in 1997 as a Gallery Night and since then has been an annual highlight for all art lovers as galleries and art institutions are jointly open during the last weekend in September. Visitors come from all over the Öresund region to take part in Malmö's multifaceted art and cultural life.

Read more about Malmö Gallerihelg here


→ The Great Repair Moves North

An exhibition that shed light on questions about the conflicts between ecological balance and uncontrolled growth and that strongly wants to advocate a new architectural ethos centered around repair.
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→ Business or Pleasure?

Candytuft has invited designers and artists to a group exhibition on the theme 'Business or Pleasure?'. The exhibition brings together feminist construction work with designer-crypto-currency, finance-chicks, and dreamers.
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→ Festivitas

A tribute to crafts! In the exhibition, we meet 21 artists who use their expertise in craftsmanship and knowledge of materials to create a celebration of contemporary crafts.
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→ Långbord

“Långbord” (translated to long table) is a site-based and spatial installation at Hedmanska gården and the result of ‘Mellan-rummet’, a 72-hour open call for newly graduated architects within buiding, interior design, planning and landscape.

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