Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Form/Design Center works long-term with sustainability within the framework of a designed living environment. With a focus on cross-sectoral collaboration, our development projects contribute with forward-looking knowledge that strengthens the conditions for the UN's global sustainability goals and the EU initiative New European Bauhaus. 


A regional knowledge center for designed living environments

Kunskapscenter för gestaltad livsmiljö "The Knowledge Center for Designed Living Environment" is an initiative from Region Skåne that is run with support and guidance from Kulturförvaltningen och Regional utveckling "the Cultural Administration and Regional Development". Since autumn 2023, the platform has been part of the Form/Design Center, which is Sweden's designated node for the national policy for designed living environments.

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Conference: Place- and nature-based architecture in the Nordics

12 nov 2024 / 08.30 - 21.00
Floor 3

A full day conference where we together explore how actors in the Nordic countries can encourage accelerate and the transformation by (re)introducing local materials, combining tradition and innovation towards building practices to keep architecture and construction within planetary boundaries.

Watch the conference online and listen to leading experts in architecture, urban design, research, policy, and industry as they explore the future of place-based architecture and nature-based construction.

Watch here
Beyond Zero

Beyond zero

21 NOV 2024 – 12 JAN 2025
Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus

Environmental degradation is a complex crisis where problems such as emissions, the depletion of virgin resources, and a socially just transition are all intertwined. To understand how architecture’s environmental impacts arise and where its potential for improving environmental conditions lies, we must focus on the processes through which the built environment is produced.

The exhibition at Form/Design Center is part of the project Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus.

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