The meeting place for architecture, design and crafts

The meeting place for architecture, design and crafts

Welcome to Form/Design Center – the meeting place for architecture, design and crafts. Experience exhibitions, seminars, workshops and guided tours. Visit the shop or have coffee in our magazine café. The house is open to everyone, Wednesday to Sunday with free admission.

Festivitas på Form/Design Center
The exhibition Festivitas on floor 2


With a focus on the present and the future, our exhibition program aims to make knowledge available and inspiring, but also to provoke conversations about current issues within architecture, design and crafts.

To exhibitions
Seminarium Attraktiva livsmiljöer


Every year, Form/Design Center arranges extensive program activities, both based on the exhibitions and on the ongoing cultural and social debate. Through screenings, workshops, lectures and talks, we offer the audience a further in-depth study that promotes dialogue and increased participation.

To program
Form/Design Centers butik

Form/Design Center's shop

In our shop you'll find books on architecture, design and crafts as well as a selected range of locally produced design and craft pieces. Form/Design Center collaborates with the Stockholm-based art bookstore Konst-ig to offer a specialised bookstore in our shop. In the shop you'll also find interior pieces, glass, jewellery, toys, accessories and posters. 

To our web shop
Form/Design Center café


Form/Design Centers café ligger på första våningen i huset. Vi erbjuder en plats att sitta i lugn och ro och läsa tidningar, dagdrömma eller jobba en stund, med tillgång till fri uppkoppling.

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SSDD 2022 Lokstallarna

Industry development

Form/Design Center continuously focuses on creating new opportunities for professional practitioners in architecture, design and crafts. With formats such as Business speed dating and mentoring programs, we contribute to skill development and business networks that pave the way for new collaborations between designers and companies. In 2019, Sveriges Arkitekter established its first regional office outside Stockholm at Form/Design Center in Malmö.

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Sea of Sounds_Besök Tegners förskola

Children and Young People

Form/Design Center offer a wide variety of activities for the whole family. Go on a treasure hunt and explore our exhibitions! Try different techniques in our drop-in workshop for children of all ages. Take part in our digital workshops and create together with the children at home.

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UIA Köpenhamn

Sustainable development

Form/Design Center works long-term with sustainability within designed living environment. Through special expertise and a wide network of contacts, we highlight the subject from several different perspectives. With a focus on cross-sectoral collaboration, our development projects contribute with forward-looking knowledge that strengthens the conditions for the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Skåne's unique position as part of a transnational region also enables valuable international exchanges where we, as a node, play an important role in the forthcoming transition.

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Roxana visar koppar


Form/Design Center's pedagogical design program has been developed with the aim of giving children and young people insight into and knowledge about sustainable consumption and production – to show that design is not just about the surface but can also make a difference.

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