The starting point of the sharing economy is that we must use our resources in a smarter and more efficient way. Borrowing or renting from each other instead of buying new things makes access the new type of ownership. Waste is also reduced by intelligent houses and electrical systems that communicate and customise production.
NIMBY is an exhibition about the sharing economy within the framework of the project Sharing Cities Sweden. Designers Andréason & Leibel have created the concept and exhibition design with illustrations, animations and objects.
Sharing Cities Malmö
Via the national programme Sharing Cities Sweden, Malmö is one of four national test beds for the development of sharing economy solutions in cities. The primary focus of Malmö’s test bed is the district of Sege Park in northern Malmö. Sege Park will be developed to becomeMalmö’s newcutting-edge district and a national display window for sustainable urban development.
The development will occur via a primary focus on the sharing economy and cooperation. The sharing services to be developed will help reduce the energy and climate impact and contribute to a socially sustainable urban development. The focus will be on developing a range of innovative and smart sharing services, to be developed on the basis of digital platforms.
The test bed in Malmö is being designed by its current owners: E.on, Form/Design Center, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University, the City of Malmö, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Trianon AB. While the programme is being developed, property developers, architects and other actors who are currently operating in Sege Parkor who want to operate there can join the project. The project is being led by the City of Malmö’s Environmental Management DepartmentwithOscar Pelin as the project manager.