How can we give more attention to our existing environments? Embark on a journey to meet a diverse group of individuals who work on different scales to care for the built environment. Meet architect Ivona Isic, who, instead of building something new, fell in love with a dilapidated house, Melissa Nyström, who helps three municipalities collaborate on managing abandoned houses, and artist Etta Säfve, who combines permaculture with creative practices.

The journey begins at Stortorget in Malmö, by Restaurant Rådhuskällaren, at 12:45. Throughout the day, we will make three stops, including tours and lectures. The first stop is an abandoned house in Smedstorp, followed by "En båt i skogen" (En: A Boat in the Forest) and the day concludes at Gylleboverket. Dinner, coffee, and snacks are included in the price. We expect to return to Malmö around 8:00 PM. The tour through Skåne is part of the exhibition The Great Repair Moves North and is organized in collaboration with Arch+, Sveriges Arkitekter, Ödehusprojektet, and is made possible with support from Culture Europe and Sustain Nordic.


12:45–13:00 Gathering at the pick-up location, Stortorget, Malmö, by Restaurant Rådhuskällaren.

13:00–14:00 Bus ride, during which a lecture will be given by Melissa Nyström, project manager for Ödehusprojekten (En: the Abandoned Houses Project) in Skåne.

14:00–15:30 Arrival in Smedstorp, tour, and presentation by architect Ivona Isic.

15:30–16:00 Bus ride.

16:00–17:30 Site visit to "En båt i skogen" and walk with Etta Säfve, artist and permaculture grower.

17:30–18:30 Dinner in the garden (pizza).

18:30–19:30 Bus ride back to Malmö, film screening.

19:30–20:00 Arrival at Malmö Central Station.

Additional Information

The bus will be with us throughout the day. Please bring weather-appropriate clothing and good walking shoes. The schedule is tentative, and some adjustments may occur during the day.

Cost: 300 SEK (covering bus and meals)

Registration: Sign up here! Pre-registration is required.

Capacity: Limited to 40 participants.

Language: English

About ÖdEhusprojektet

Abandoned houses, uninhabited homes, vacant properties—regardless of what we call them, these renovation projects and sometimes dilapidated buildings across the municipality need to be saved and given new life. The Abandoned Houses Project identifies vacant properties and works to encourage owners to sell, renovate, or rent them out so that both the houses and the countryside can come alive again.

Read more about the project

About Båt i Skogen

A Boat in the Forest is a permaculture farm featuring food forests, seed production, nut orchards, bio-pools with plant-based filtration, biochar, and examples of sustainable construction. Here, we offer courses in social and land-based permaculture, transition issues, food forests, nut farming, and sustainable farming methods. We anchor ourselves, find our place in the world, and discover the world within us. The site also hosts resident artists, visiting researchers, and cultural practitioners.

Read more about the permaculture farm

About the exhibition The Great Repair Moves North

An exhibition that shed light on questions about the conflicts between ecological balance and uncontrolled growth and that strongly wants to advocate a new architectural ethos centered around repair.

The Great Repair Moves North builds on the exhibition The Great Repair, produced by ARCH+ which was previously shown in Berlin and Paris. 

To the exhibition