Events of recent years have manifested what science has been forecasting for a long time: Climate change has become an obvious, red-hot truth. The climate is changing, and this is affecting the planet. The impact of human activity on the planet’s ecosystem can now be clearly felt in the state of the global environment. Climate change is not an eventuality; it is already here.

For quite some time, the Royal Danish Academy has focused on exploring new ways to reduce carbon emissions in building projects, to refurbish and restore buildings rather than build new ones, and to create designs that last. For an evening moderated by sustainability specialist Johan Jönsson, you will get to listen to a number of representatives from The Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen and several development and research projects focused on reducing its planetary impact.


Guided tour of the exhibition

The moderator of the evening Johan Jönsson welcomes us.

Clay as a resilient building material – 3 projects from the exhibition:

  • Better Building Blocks / Frans Drewniak
  • The aesthetics of crushing: Design based on the transformation of ceramic construction waste / Nina Husted Erichsen, Jacob Sebastian Bang
  • Therma Testa / Flemming Tvede Hansen, Isak Worre Foged 

Joint conversation together with Johan Jönsson.


Bio based materials in architecture – 3 projects from the exhibition: 

  • Straw as a building material – A radical tectonic perspective / Lykke Arnfred 
  • Biogenic Architecture – Planetary Opportunities / Lykke Arnfred
  • Fungal Architecture / Phil Ayres

Joint conversation together with Johan Jönsson.

Conversation and discussion with Marwa Dabaieh, professor and associate professor at Malmö University. (More names will be added shortly)