The year is 2040. Urban development has become a co-creative process where people from all walks of life gather around LumenMind – a sensory fireplace that marks a space where dreams and visions take shape. Whether you are a school student, artist, urban planner, researcher, or policymaker, you are part of a greater tapestry where engagement and imagination shape the city. Everyone can contribute—whether with ideas, time, materials, a location, knowledge about a place, or something else of value—all connected through the advanced Smart Built Space digital ecosystem.

Through open conversations, we travel into the future and explore how imagination, creativity, and new technologies can create vibrant, sustainable spaces in Malmö. The discussions are open to all—you can participate actively or simply let yourself be immersed in the experience. We speak both Swedish and English.

Beyond Blueprints is one of four visions of a future where the built environment sector has achieved the global sustainability goals. It was created by a transdisciplinary team including Bobo Baudin, Karin Victorin, Katrin Behdjou Arshi, Malin Lampa, Maria Lindelöf, and Vanessa Ware. The project is part of The Futures We Build, a strategic initiative within Smart Built Environment, led by Media Evolution and Innovationsföretagen, and funded by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas.