Open Architecture Studio, OAS, invites architects as well as curious Malmö residents to visit architectural offices all over the city and take part in ongoing projects and processes. The days are an opportunity to meet in a broader conversation about architecture where dialogue, process and results are at the center.


Use the map to navigate your way around the architectural offices. Here, too, you can find information about content and opening hours.

Open map


Arkitekterna Krook och Tjäder, Bevaring, bryn space, C.F. Møller Architects, Chroma Arkitekter, DANIEL BERG ARKITEKTER, FOJAB, For Elize, Liljewall, LINK Arkitektur, MAKET, Malmö Stadsbyggnadskontor, MARELD, Neuhauser Arkitektur AB, Open Studio, Radar Arkitektur, Restaurera, Siegel Group, STADSTUDIO, STRECK, Svefors Arkitekter, Sydväst arkitektur och landskap, Växtvärket, White Arkitekter, Wingårdhs

OAS is organised by Sveriges Arkitekter Skåne and Form/Design Center.