On November 7, Sveriges Arkitekter Skåne, together with SPARK, invites you to a discussion featuring several interesting practitioners who, in different ways, utilize the potential of generative AI image tools to explore new perspectives on image creation and space. The participants include Jean Jacques Balzac, David Selander, and Peter Gustafson.

About Jean Jacques Balzac

The images created by Jean Jacques Balzac are like a visual essay on a possible post-human state: enigmatic and hypnotic, tinged with the characteristic ghostly mist of AI-generated images. The wealth of variations on these themes that he explores in his artistic practice is intriguing in the context of our times, where aesthetics of apocalypse and desolation have become trendy.

About David Selander

David Selander is an artist and teaches at KTH School of Architecture. He creates images where nature intertwines with strict geometric forms.

About Peter Gustafson

Peter Gustafson is a Danish architect based in Oslo, who both teaches about and uses various AI tools in his practice, Towards An Architecture of Degrowth (TAAOD), where he works on developing properties in rural areas.


SPARK is a collaborative platform for architecture and art in Malmö, a non-profit association, and a gallery. In November and December, SPARK will host an exhibition by the Paris-based architect Jean Jacques Balzac, who creates unexpected and contradictory images on his Instagram account using AI tools.